【Fun】5 of the weirdest Guinness worlds record you never know existed

wolcano Lab
3 min readSep 25, 2021

№1 The biggest Nintendo Switch

In 2012, a player in UK has made the biggest FAMICOM, having a size of 3m x 1.5m. It is playable and requires two people to control at the same time. After years of the record, Michael Pick shared the whole of making process of his “switch pro” on Youtube in April 2021. This “switch pro” has an enormous size of 1.7m x 0.7m and able to support all functions from a normal Nintendo Switch, except for the 4k resolution.

№2 A game played by a FISH

Do you know that the first game played by a fish in the world is Pokemon Fire Red. You might wonder how a fish can play the game. A university student live streamed the process of a fish playing Pokemon on twitch in 2014. He separated the fishbowl into nine areas, each area represented a button on Gameboy, as shown in the picture.

№3 A game causing most severe economic lost

Google implemented a Pacman FLASH game on their homepage in 2014, This function caused a lot of people playing Pacman during their work time.
According to Wolfram Alpha’s data, 504 millions of user visited the website and played the game for 4.8 millions hours in total, this can be considered as an economic lost of 120 million USD, calculated with the average wage of 25 USD per hour.
How do you think about Google dinosaur game, is it causing the same effect?

№4 Playing game non-stop for 570 hours

Giant Waffle held a continuous live stream for 30 days in November 2019. During the 30 days, he spend 19 hours on game each day. In the end, he broke the world record of playing game non-stop with a record of 572 hours.

Giant Waffle then posted on Twitter :
“30 Days. Thirty 19 Hour streams in a row. 570+ Hours Streamed. 3 Million Hours Watched. 10,000+ Subs. Streamvember 2019 is COMPLETE! TIME TO SLEEP!”
The record was used to hold by an Australian man Okan Kaya with 135 hours, he abandoned this challenge after he felt uncomfortable. Sincce then he called the public to prevent addiction of games.

№5 The oldest live streamer

This record is hold by a 91-year-old grandma in Japan. Hamako Mori is a youtuber and she broke this record by playing GTA in June 2021. She states that playing game has been her hobby since 1981.

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